Amy’s Medical Science Career

Amy Jo Vassallo understands the value of being flexible. Her career as a medical science researcher has taken her through multiple roles.

8 Best Masters Degrees for Career Change

Higher education providers have been swift to remake operating models in vocational education and training, often to regrettable ends.

16 Jobs with a Masters in Education

Let’s explore jobs you are better positioned to do with a Masters in Education. Prioritised are roles where re-training is not essential.

STEM Careers List for Australia: Future Jobs

Australia’s STEM workforce is projected to grow by 2.5% per year to 1.9 million in 2024. The makeup of the STEM careers list may surprise.

Psychology Careers After a Bachelor Degree

Let’s look at career opportunities for psychology graduates, both for bachelor degree holders and those who do advanced psychology courses.

Women in STEM Statistics for Australia

The rate of increase in female STEM graduates is outstripping that of males by 6 per cent. But women in STEM account for just 16% of workers.

Deloitte Careers

DELOITTE ENCOURAGES A CULTURE IN WHICH STEM SKILLS AND CREATIVITY ARE EMBRACED. Preethi Jeeva, a double degree graduate (Bachelor of Computer Science and Bachelor of Science) from Monash University, joined Deloitte Australia as…